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How to Display your Favorite Websites on your Windows 10 Start Menu

How organized is your Windows 10 start menu? Do you have everything you frequently use on the start menu? What about your favorites site? Windows...

Students – The Real Winners of New Age Technology Trend

Impatience characterizes the technology sector’s approach to education. Disruption is taking place in all other sectors of society — so, why not education? I...

Microsoft’s Virtual Assistant, Cortana now Available for iOS

Looking back at my experience with Windows 10, the newly introduced Microsoft's virtual assistant that goes by the name Cortana, was one thing I wished...

My [condensed] experience with Windows 10 so far…

On November 11th, 2015, "TH 2" was released for Windows 10 users to download and install. Basically, TH 2 (using the abbreviation for the...

New SAP Tool Aims To Fuse Content and Community With eCommerce

It’s often said that content is king, but in a typical marketing department you have a hodgepodge of content. That could include carefully-crafted web...

Why growing businesses MUST embrace SMS Text Marketing – Especially in 2015

The shift from PC to Mobile is now in full swing. With “65% of all mobile phones sold being smartphones”, according to the June...

Android Pay Will Get You Back To Your Position As A Developer

Google’s Sundar Pichai essentially used today’s Mobile World Congress keynote to let the cat out of the bag for a whole host of interesting...

How to turn your old phone into a basic PC with less than $25

Your old smartphone has a greater destiny than your junk drawer. Believe it or not, you can turn it into, say, a mini-PC or...

The HTC M9 as Revealed by Leaked Videos.

HTC is just a few days away from revealing its new HTC One M9, but the surprise has been spoiled by a trio of...

#Apple Ordered to Pay $532.9 Million after losing Lawsuit over wireless Messaging

   #Apple has been Told to pay $532.9 Million for Breaching Gaming-Related   Patents     Infringement     A Federal Jury in Texas has ordered Apple to pay...


Echo vs Echo Dot: Which Device is Better?

If you're looking to create a smart home setup,...

iPhone 16 Series Review: USB-C, AI, Enhanced Safety Features

Apple’s latest iPhone, the iPhone 16 series, introduces a...

10 Best Alternative Search Engines to Google

When someone thinks of internet searches, Google is often...

How to Become a Social Media Manager Professionally

The role of a Social Media Manager is important...

5 Best Accounting Software for Small Businesses

Accounting software automates many of the time-consuming tasks associated...