How to Add Username in Telegram Messaging App

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Like Twitter, Facebook (and now, Telegram), the use of usernames makes it easier to find and locate users on the website. However, finding or adding users by username isn’t something very common among mobile messaging apps. WhatsApp allows you to add a username or moreorless, a nickname but people can neither find nor add you with this username – something privacy lovers will appreciate.

Telegram on it’s own right is taking a different path. Since last year the company made it possible for you to add friends by username – without necessarily knowing their phone numbers – on their mobile app.

The advantage of a username is that you can share your contact details for Telegram without revealing your phone number, thus safeguarding some level of privacy. A lot of users has been asking us how to add a username to the app. So, here is a step to step guide:

Add Username on Telegram

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Tap the menu button on your Android screen.
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Launch Telegram application.

Tap the Apps button on your Android screen. Locate and launch the Telegram application.

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Tap the menu icon on Telegram
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Navigate to Settings

On the Telegram app tap the menu icon (represented with three horizontal lines) and open Settings. Among other options on settings, you will find Username which is set to ‘None‘ by default.

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Username is set to ‘None’ by default.
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Tap on Username.

Tapping on the Username option will open a page where you can enter or modify your username. Simply enter your desired username on the text input box.

Usernames must be a minimum of five characters — so you can’t make up for losing out on a one-letter Twitter handle here — and can contain letters, numbers and underscores.

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Save your username.

Save your new username by tapping ‘Good’ sign at the top-right side of your screen.

You are also free to change your alias, so long as the new one is not already taken.

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