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Top 5 Technology Trends Which Will Govern The Future

Trends get a bad blow, mostly since they are frequently associated with fashions. However trends can be significant, particularly those long in the making. If...

MS Office now Available for Android Phones

Earlier today Microsoft added Android to the list of mobile operating systems now supported by Office Mobile. But Office Mobile for Android only covers...

Google search dominance may not last in mobile age

For more than a decade, Google has become synonymous with search. Despite Microsoft’s well-funded efforts to get users to “Bing It,” people are still...

Your PC may come with malware pre-installed

It is rare to find a new PC that doesn’t come with additional bells and whistles in addition to the operating system itself. The...

Protect your devices from Web and email threats

Smartphones and tablets are vulnerable to attack, too. Here's what to look for in a comprehensive security solution. By now you should already know...

How to Protect Your Social Network Accounts from Hackers

A tech journalist learned a tough lesson recently. But using two-factor log-ons help guard your Google, Facebook, and Twitter accounts from being hijacked. If...

RIM Unveils Its New 4G BlackBerry PlayBook Tablet

Is this new PlayBook RIM's last hurrah in the tablet competition? A new 4G BlackBerry PlayBook will go on sale next week, a year...

Tablets, According to Staples

Amazon Readying Mulitple New Kindle    Amazon has big plans for its coming onslaught of tablets to compete with Apple’s iPad and Google’s Nexus 7. Reuters reports Staples...

Google Announces Google Drive for iOS and Offline Editing for Google Docs

A version of Chrome for iOS also was announced during the second day keynote for the company's Google I/O conference. Google kicked off the second day...

Rumor: 10-inch Kindle Fire Coming

The current generation Kindle FireKindle Fire gossip is almost as common as iPhone and iPad rumors. Lately we've been hearing a lot about a new...


Echo vs Echo Dot: Which Device is Better?

If you're looking to create a smart home setup,...

iPhone 16 Series Review: USB-C, AI, Enhanced Safety Features

Apple’s latest iPhone, the iPhone 16 series, introduces a...

10 Best Alternative Search Engines to Google

When someone thinks of internet searches, Google is often...

How to Become a Social Media Manager Professionally

The role of a Social Media Manager is important...

5 Best Accounting Software for Small Businesses

Accounting software automates many of the time-consuming tasks associated...