Battlefield 4, FIFA 14 and 6 Co-Op PS4 Games to Watch in 2014

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Here is something for the gamers. If you need to turn your friends into war enemies, go on adventures or solve ‘head cracking’ puzzles together, the new console games is the answer you seek.

The latest PlayStation 4 titles, featuring mutiplayer facility and more advance gaming environment boast of answers for any co-op gaming style you prefer. While some of this games are available and ready to be explored, a few of them will only be available at some point in this year, but considering the interesting new mutiplayer features introduced to PS4, I think they’ll be worth the wait.

Below, we take a look at the top six co-op games to rock with your friends. Note: You can also find some of the games listed below on your old PlayStation or the new Xbox One, but nothing can be compared to the feeling of playing it on PS4.

6. Lego Marvel Super Heroes

The world is in imminent danger, and it is counting on you and your friends to save it! You and your friends will have to play alone or together as members of the well-known team to save the world in Lego Marvel Super Heroes. All the superheroes have their unique superpowers, and you’ll need all their strength to go into battle against the most venomous villains of the Marvel universe.

5. Destiny

If you are a big believer in destiny, then you will be exited for Destiny console game. Destiny was made by the manufactures of multiplayer greats Halo and Call of Duty. The promotional trailers and gameplay videos display a beautiful world for you and your friends to explore, cherish and protect. It’s part of the new “shared-world shooter” genre which combines the typical fine motor skills of a FPS game with traits that are more common to MMOs. If anyone can make wonders out of this new breed of games, it’s the folks at Bungie.

This game will be available, starting from Sept. 9th 2014.

4. Watch Dogs

Unfortunately, this amazing title from Ubisoft isn’t available yet, but it’s been making some impressive noise  since its initial unveiling. Not only will Watch Dogs allow players the chance to sneak and hack their ways through a fictional downtown Chicago, but the game will also have a multiplayer option integrated into the normal campaign. Your objective is to hack other players with a malicious virus before they catch and kill you. Ubisoft will let you opt out of the multiplayer if you want to focus on the single-player story, but we’re all looking forward to getting our hands on exponentially more underground cyber justice when the game launches. Right now, the release date is set as a hazy spring 2014.

3. Killzone Shadow Fall

This series has long been a PlayStation exclusive, and Killzone Shadow Fall has all the great dystopian warfare between the ISA and the Helgast that gamers have come to expect. Warzone matches players through a ringer of several traditional co-op modes (such as Team Deathmatch or Search and Destroy) all in one battle royale. Players can customize their own rules for matches, setting the modes, number of players, classes or weapons allowed, then share those creations with the online community.

2. FIFA 14

If the word “football” conjures up images of a black and white ball and rabid European fans, then you’re probably well-versed in the FIFA games. With FIFA 14, soccer is looking better than ever on the new generation of hardware. Players’ movements and behaviors have new realism and a much sharper look that old consoles couldn’t dream of matching. EA received some flak from long-time fans for removing the Tournament feature, but with many available co-op modes remaining, this is still an excellent title for going multiplayer. Create a unique footballer to send through the Pro Clubs circuit and pursue a stellar career in all-player matches. You can also go head-to-head against another gamer in Seasons and Online Friendlies, or team up with friends for two-on-two games.

1. Battlefield 4

No game delivers complex, realistic warfare as well as the Battlefield franchise. Battlefield 4 has dynamic, visually stunning maps that require players to display finesse and strategy in order to achieve victory. Technical difficulties plagued the latest release at launch, but that’s due in part to its massive scope. Now that DICE has cleaned up most of the issues, players can enjoy the classic Conquest or Rush battles, or the new Obliteration and Defuse modes. The Xbox One may be getting the expansions and other new content first, but superior graphics capabilities make the PS4 the platform of choice for the console crowd.

Image Credit: EA Sports, DICE, Bungie, Sony, Lego, Ubisoft | Games Decription By: Mashable

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