Last time I wrote an article on Building A Social Network With WordPress (Part 1) today we are going to look at the top ten plugins you will need for your social network. This plugins combines well with the buddypress plugin to give make your website a user friendly community.

Top 10 Plugins for Your WordPress Social Network
✔ BP Community Activity on Profile
This is similar to the activities log on; it plugin shows all the community activity on a user’s profile. It also include a menu titled “All Activity” to user activity.
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✔ BP Auto Login On Activation Plugin
This plugin automatically login users after creating an account. Unlike the buddypress usual behaviour the Bp Auto Plugin On Activation Plugin redirects users to their profile after registration.
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✔ Custom Admin Bar
The Custom Admin Bar allows you to customize the admin bar and add your quick links, it also allows you to use a logo on the admin bar.
This plugin is generally supported by any wordpress that has an admin bar.
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✔ BP Custom Background For User Profile
Some piece of twitter wonder? This plugin will let your users upload a custom background image to their profile like you do on twitter.
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✔ BP Username Changer
Lets your users change their usernames. This plugin runs an automatic search to see if a username is already in use before assigning it to a user.
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Must Read:
✔ YD BuddyPress Feed Syndication
This plugin lets you syndicate external RSS feeds into your site’s BuddyPress activity feed. It enables each BuddyPress user to select as many external RSS feeds as he wants. Those feeds will be aggregated (mixed) into their activity feed automatically, with a title, an excerpt and a link to the original post.
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✔ BuddyPress Message Privacy Plugin
BuddyPress Message Privacy Plugin allow your users to control who can message them. It includes basic features such as: a user can opt to receive messages from everyone, friends only or even specify a custom list of users from whom he want to receive messages. He can also create a custom list for other users who can send him a message, as well as a blacklist of users who will never be able to send him a message.
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✔ BP Export Users
Just recently buddypress included the development of this feature in their roadmap. While waiting for the official core release buddypress users can still make due of this plugin to export all user data from WordPress and BuddyPress to CSV.
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✔ BuddyPress Group Suggest Widget
This plugin suggest groups already created on your social network to other users based on their friend’s group.
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✔ BuddyPress Simple Google Map
The BuddyPress Simple Google Map plugin uses the static Google map API to add the maps to groups. It also includes a widget to showcase the map in the sidebar.