Search results - jobs

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Job Vancancy: Africa Corporate Communications Leader, MasterCard, Lagos and Johannesburg

As usual, EwtNet is keen on bringing to your notice the most mouth-watering of all jobs openings. And what other company would you rather...

Job Vacancy: Graduate Computing Pre-Sales Technical Consultant, Hewlett-Packard, Lagos, Nigeria

If your dream job is to work with Hewlett-Packard or HP, here is good news for you: The American multinational information technology corporation is...

Job Vacancy: Head of Operations for Ericsson, Lagos, Nigeria

Job Vacancy: Multinational telecommunications company Ericsson is short of a head of operations in its Nigeria branch. The company is reported to require a...

Job Vacancy: Public Relations Manager for Huawei Technologies

Leading global ICT solutions provider Huawei is currently looking to fill the vacant position of a PR manager in its Nigerian branch in Lagos. Huawei...

Top 10 Job Openings This Week From Mashable

Are you looking for a new Job or a chance to port to a greener pasture? EwtNet is keeping tabs on various tech companies...

The alternative networking site to Facebook: WeeShare! – The World’s Social Network.

A new social website has sub-merged, though it isn't exactly "new." We're sure you've heard of the site "Ello" that recently appeared, and the... Acquires Digital Marketing Marketplace, Warrior Forum for $3.2M

According to a report on Techcrunch, job outsourcing marketplace has put down a portion of the money it raised from its IPO last...

VMware is Looking for a Strategic Partner Business Manager – Kenya

VMware a visualization cloud infrastructure solution company is currently looking for qualified applicant to fill its position of a Strategic Partner Business Manager, Kenya branch....

Sony To Close Two-Thirds Of Its US Retail Stores

Sony announced today that it is shuttering 20 of its 31 retail stores located throughout the States. The 11 remaining stores are located near...

Job Vacancy: Central East West Africa and North Africa Diversity Program Manager – IBM

We got an information from a reliable source that IBM is currently looking for a program manager for Central East West Africa and North Africa...


Echo vs Echo Dot: Which Device is Better?

If you're looking to create a smart home setup,...

iPhone 16 Series Review: USB-C, AI, Enhanced Safety Features

Apple’s latest iPhone, the iPhone 16 series, introduces a...

10 Best Alternative Search Engines to Google

When someone thinks of internet searches, Google is often...

How to Become a Social Media Manager Professionally

The role of a Social Media Manager is important...

5 Best Accounting Software for Small Businesses

Accounting software automates many of the time-consuming tasks associated...