With Blogger and Google+ improving each day as google hit bloggers with a stupendous means of communicating with their readers easily just after blogger introducing the new blogger mobile app.
+Malte Ubl a software Engineer wrote on blogger buzz 5 days ago
“Blogs are a great way to spark a conversation, and today we’re giving you a new way to grab someone’s attention: Google+ mentions in Blogger. Now you can add a link to a Google+ profile or page when you want to mention someone in a post. If you then share your post from Blogger to Google+, we make it easier to notify your mentions by including them in the sharebox. To mention someone, just type “+” before their name while you’re using the Blogger post editor.

The profile or page will show up as a link in your published post. Hovering over will show a card with more info and an ‘Add to circles’ button. Clicking the link takes you straight to the Google+ profile or page.”
So, whether you want to credit a co-author (thanks +Gregory Fair!), ask a question, or just kick off a dialogue, connect your blog to Google+ and try mentioning someone in your next post!