Start Your Advertising Campaign With Free $20 Credit

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The best way to start any advertisement campaign probably, is to start with a trial mode that will let you monitor the progress of your site and master the use of the advertisement platform and finally decide whether to continue your advertisement campaign or to look elsewhere.
BidVertiser is a ppc online advertisement program that grant their advertisers $20 on sign-up, unlike the Adword program, Bidvertiser credit can be used before you purchase any ads package.

This feature enables you to master how the advertisement platform works, be able to make necessary adjustment to how your ads are served, try various ad types and finally decide whether  or whether not to continue with your advertisement campaign.

Why I Recommend Bidvertiser

Is unlike me to recommend advertisement programs to anyone (don’t ask me why). But since I have been a constant user of the Bidvertiser advertisement program for the past 6 months, I think I’m in a more better position than anyone else to have a say on this.

  • Bidvertiser has a simple user interface which is easier to use and understand compared to the complex advertisement platform of other website I have tried in the past.
  • Bidvertiser allows you to set your custom bid per click, even as low as $0.1 per click  my ads still get clicks (bad market for publishers).
  • Reliable support: At a point my account was not credited the moment I issued a billing. I didn’t get to panic, just called the support and got the issue fixed within 3 mins. There is also a contact form just in-case you don’t like talking over the phone.

Base on the type of quality support and reliability provided by Bidvertiser and my six months experience as an advertiser, I proudly recommend Bidvertise to anyone with a low budget advertisement campaign, with a high budget advisement campaign but low daily budget and to anyone who is trying to bring a new website to spotlight.

If you think you have a better opinion, you are free to express your opinion on the comment section below.

General Feature of Bidvertiser Advertisement Program

  1. Geographic targeting: Bidvertiser allows you to set your ads to display within a geographic range or location. For instance, since I’m a Nigerian, I can simply set my ads to target only Nigerian visitors (i.e: my ads will only be seen by visitors from Nigeria). Simply choose your geographic targeting and your ads will be shown only to users located anywhere in the country or countries you selected.
  2. PPC: Pay Per Click (ppc) means you will only per for the clicks you receive. You choose how much you are willing to pay for each click in each of the categories you have chosen to display your ads on.
  3. Keyword and category targeting: This means that you can set your ads to display only for some specific keywords and categories related to your website or necessary to your website niche.

Bidvertiser offers advertisers program for website owners who wants to bring their website to the spotlight  and publishers program to website owners who wants to monetize their website through advertisement programs.   Click here to grab your $20 Free Credit   I hope you enjoy this article inasmuch as I enjoyed writing it? Please feel free to share your views and experiences with Bidvertiser advertisement program on the comment section.

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