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Protect your devices from Web and email threats

Smartphones and tablets are vulnerable to attack, too. Here's what to look for in a comprehensive security solution. By now you should already know...

How to Protect Your Social Network Accounts from Hackers

A tech journalist learned a tough lesson recently. But using two-factor log-ons help guard your Google, Facebook, and Twitter accounts from being hijacked. If...

Biometric ID Tool Benefits Questioned in Light of Privacy Concerns

Moss Bluff Elementary School in Lake Charles, La., wanted to speed up the cafeteria line and reduce errors in lunch accounting. So the school...

How To Install IntenseDebate Comment System In Blogger

  Last week I wrote an article on Why You Must Quit Blogspot Comment System. As expected  many of you contacted me, asking me...

5 Online Business You Can Start With Little Capital

By: Joseph OnyemakonorMost times when people hear start a business online, they think you have to be involved in some short of Advance Fee...

Why You Must Quit Blogspot Comment System.

Google over the years has brought a lots of amazing  features to improve Blogger platform but they seems to forget about the comment system...

Send Email Like a Pro

Email often straddles a fine line between help and hindrance. It’s an invaluable tool, no doubt about it, but sometimes it can be a...

Don’t Tell the Boss: You Tweet from Work Like a Maniac

A new study by network security firm Palo Alto Networksshows "explosive" growth in the use of social networks in the workplace, with a 300...

Avoid Twitter Disasters

As a social networking tool, Twitter is even more open than Facebook--which is all the more reason to employ what safeguards you can on...

A Look at the Worst Security Snafus of 2012 So Far!

Could things really be this bad? From the embarrassing hack of a conversation between the FBI and Scotland Yard to a plethora of data...


Echo vs Echo Dot: Which Device is Better?

If you're looking to create a smart home setup,...

iPhone 16 Series Review: USB-C, AI, Enhanced Safety Features

Apple’s latest iPhone, the iPhone 16 series, introduces a...

10 Best Alternative Search Engines to Google

When someone thinks of internet searches, Google is often...

How to Become a Social Media Manager Professionally

The role of a Social Media Manager is important...

5 Best Accounting Software for Small Businesses

Accounting software automates many of the time-consuming tasks associated...