Tag: android

Five Free Android Apps to Monitor Network Connection Stats

We all love to see live statistics; how much bandwidth was spent on upload and download, how much data was spent on each page...

Screencast Pro – Make Quality Videos with your Android Phone

This application works with rooted Android phones only. It helps you record your screen into high quality videos.  Recorded videos will be saved as...

Kingo Root: Discover 3 Steps to Root any Android Phone with 1 Click

Android OS is gradually taking it's place as the mobile king: every tom, dick and harry now own one. This insane increase in consumers...

2go v1.0.16 – Download for Android

The 2go IM is currently on the Google Play Store but if for some reasons (probably best known to you) you don't want to download...

Google Quietly Updates Gmail for Android to Suite your Holiday Travels

It’s always kind of a drag when your mobile email client doesn’t do all the things that your desktop client can. Google seems to...

7-inch Android tablets: The king of Black Friday

 Falling prices on TVs and 7-inch Android tablets helped boost Black Friday sales to nearly $5 billion, NPD reported Wednesday. The retail analyst firm...

Lovely Apartment Rental App now on Android!

It is often a hectic experience trying to find a new place to live (especially if you desire to move to the housing market...

Download EWT Android App 0.1 Beta

Join us today as we officially release our first Android App: You can now stay updated with every activity on Elites World Technology, read...

BBM for Android and iOS is here – Download and Review

In the days of featured phones, Nimbuzz was the go-to guy when it comes to instant messaging. That was a long time ago, though....

Google’s Santa Tracker Returns with Chromecast-ready Android App

After spending the last 11+ months maxin’ and relaxin’, Santa and his elves are back in full swing. Yes! Santa Tracker is here again and...

Review: Android 4.4 KitKat & Why it Matters

The speculation sourounding  Android 4.4 KitKat can finally be put to rest. While users and developers are allowed to have their  opinion, you need...

Lenovo Android laptop confirmed after user manuals leak online

PCWORLD - A story posted on pcworld today has confirmed that we are likely to see a new generation of PC anytime soon. With...