How To Get A Job In Tech – Skills, Challenges & Mistakes

Job in tech

Are you looking to transition to a tech career?. Maybe you wonder after transitioning, about how to get a job in tech?. Perhaps, you’re an undergrad researching career prospects. Or you have certain limitations withholding you from starting your tech journey.

This post is specifically curated to help guide you on your tech journey. We’ve outlined how to get tech jobs. How to crush limitations and challenges. As well as some common mistakes people make in their tech careers that can be easily avoided.

Everywhere you turn these days tech is the buzzword. Listen, if you’re not a tech enthusiast, you’re definitely a buzzkill. If you’re in doubt, log in to LinkedIn and get run over with tons of congratulatory posts on successful tech careers. They’re enough to make you slam the lid of your computer down in aggravation. Yet, tech is the new oil regardless of your emotions or career trajectory.

Before starting your tech journey, you might want to re-examine your decisions to venture into the technology industry. Granted there are promising jobs in tech, but ask yourself, why do you really want to follow this career path?.

Oftentimes, you hear people say they ventured into tech because a friend did and it paid off. Other times, most persons just wildly stumbled upon tech jobs after series of failed career attempts. Whatever be the case, making the wrong decisions may have far-reaching implications.

While most people are inspired by close friends, family or even strangers to follow the tech route, it is best to make important life decisions such as careers based solely on individual choices.

Why Do You Want To Get A Job In Tech? (Common Mistakes)

Are you starting a job in tech just for the money?. Or are you making this transition because it’s been a lifelong ambition?. Or both?.

There are individuals who work for money and don’t have any passion for their jobs, yet they still go on to live fulfilled lives. Not that they’ve run out of zeal or anything of the sort. Their source of motivation doesn’t come from their jobs. They’re simply okay just receiving their wage and are very happy with their lives.

Meanwhile, another set of individuals are very devoted to their jobs—in fact it’s the very air they breathe. These category of people find a sense of contentment in what they do. They love talking about their jobs. They are eager to volunteer helpful tips, share meaningful insights and rope you into loving their jobs enough to want to leave yours. Money is secondary to their career and these set of people are happy and fulfilled.

The last category of people are passionate about their jobs and also gain satisfaction in doing what they love for the money.

Now that we’ve narrowed down some of the major reasons people start or switch careers, it’s easier to understand why you’re doing it. So, to the crux of the matter; how to get a job in the tech industry.

What Do I Need To Get A Job In Tech?

You can never go wrong with a technology degree in the labour market. The salaries are stupendous and tech degree holders are like hot cakes. An average entry level tech job can pay over $30,000 a year. While a high paying tech job can pull in over $100,000 a year.

What you need in order to secure a high-paying job in tech industry include;

  • IT skills
  • A computer science degree
  • Numeracy skills
  • Programming skills
  • Familiarity with fast-paced environment
  • Attention to details
  • Problem solving skills
  • Loves challenges
  • Creativity
  • Innovation
  • Network and establish connections with tech enthusiasts
  • Experience from coding bootcamps
  • Certifications, etc

Challenges In The IT Industry And How To Solve Them

There are several drawbacks of going into the tech industry. Countless reasons why starting a tech career might be a bad idea. As a bright-eyed and bushy-tailed tech enthusiast, transitioning to a tech career comes with a myriad of challenges. For most people, the idea of switching to technology and securing a nice job may only be wishful thinking. The zeal to venture into the career path is there but certain problems hamper it. Here are some problems or limitations of going into tech. Alongside tips that’ll prove essential in flattening these obstacles.


Eight out of ten young persons in every African society lack the resources to kick-start their IT or tech careers. From computers to tools and resources, a lot of people are limited. Most of the tools are either expensive or not accessible. The good news is, there are platforms where you can take intensive free or paid online courses. Other ways of acquiring resources include virtual or physical connections, bootcamps, etc.

Self-paced learning

Just like the name implies, self-paced learning is the kind of learning that requires no supervision. It gives you free reins to study and learn at your own pace. Although it has its benefits, there are disadvantages associated with this method of learning. With self-paced learning, you might get selective with topics, overextend yourself or find it hard to choose learning materials. This will pose a strong challenge because you’re not in the same pace with access to tutors or instructional materials.

Also, because you’re moving at your own pace, making huge progress or reaching milestones may be difficult. Especially without any form of guidance or motivation. other times, time may be a constraint and it might be difficult to extricate yourself from all the deadlines. While it is advised to learn at your own pace, since everyone is built different. It is equally necessary to push yourself beyond limits and network with people once in a while.

Impostor syndrome

Impostor syndrome is when people have doubts about their talents, skills or levels of achievements. Sometimes being talented can be overwhelming and feelings of guilt creep in and rob people of their desires to start or fulfill their tech journeys. You can call it self-deprecation at work. It is often associated with highly talented and intelligent people. To deal with impostor syndrome, don’t strive for perfection, no one is. Accept the good traits or skills and bask in the moment whenever you’re lauded for it.

High standard companies

Some employers in renowned IT companies or even startups, have very high employment standards. Reason you have to buff up on your relevant IT and computer skills. For most of these employers at high-end organisations, having basic entry-level skills don’t cut it. They’re looking for A-list employees with epic multi-tasking skills. Back-end developer with exceptional graphic design background and a sprinkle of technical writing skill? You’re hired.

I’m sure you get the memo. There is no time frame for learning—it’s continuous and never end when you reach a milestone. Also, get yourself a mentor. Not those aesthetic kind. The ones that can help you with relevant insights to navigate the tech industry. Don’t forget that connections and networking is very salient to score a job in tech. Most people who landed solid jobs in tech did so by joining a community with mutual interests—tech.

I hope you found this article helpful? And if your’re on the lookout for the best tech jobs around the block, we’ve covered that here.