By: Joseph Onyemakonor
Now a days, the need to communicate and distribution information is very high. People are always looking for ways to share information at a cheaper, more convenient, and faster means. Bulk SMS is a way of sharing information to thousands of people at a time using special customized names as sender id. It is also relatively cheap. While most people keep going online to send this messages to organizations for free, some few has started it as a venture. I will further tell you that one can make a considerable amount of money rendering this service.

Starting a Bulk SMS business is very cheap and requires you to put a little time and money into it. It requires you to have no special skills what so ever, all you need is internet connection (I will suggest A cyber café ). Now lets get started
Goto or (They sell at very affordable prices), register with them and locate the pricing page. Depending on the quantity you are starting with, the price of each unit can range from N1 – N1.5. Start by buying 2-3000 units which will cost about N2,500. Payment most times is made either through bank deposit or using your local ATM card.
Its not buying the SMS that matters, it what you do with it. Next thing you need to do is to spread the word, you can do that by posting simply hand bills. You do not need to goto any press to do this, just type on Microsoft word and print it then make multiply photocopies and post it around.
In most cases, the people that use this service are Churches, Mosques and Schools. Prepare proposal and send to all of them. You proposal should be very interesting and versatile. Tell them they get to send the SMS with Customized Name of their own organization and it is also at a very affordable price too.
Submit your proposal to as much organizations as possible and you will get more profit from it.
When charging them from the service, charge from N4 –N10 per sms. You bought at N1 per SMS. When you send to about 500 people from a particular organization, you make up to N4000.
Start now and write a proposal and send out. You will make over N10 -50000 once you get start with this little venture