Airtel Me2U: Share Airtime, Data, Transfer & Password Tips

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Me2U is a long existing service that lets you transfer airtime credit from one Airtel sim to another. The services was introduced in the days when the company we now know as Airtel NG today was ran by V.Mobile (a Nigerien telecommunication company).

Using Me2u

Every Airtel subscriber is entitled to use the Me2u service; no activation is required. The password by default is set to 1234 and you can go ahead and perform transactions with this password.

However, to be on the safer side, it is recommended that you change this password to something that will be easy for you to remember and difficult for others to guess.

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Security consciousness is” the first step of wisdom”, especially when the matter involves money. How do you ensure that a malicious person will not transfer your airtime credit when your phone is being stolen, or while you are charging your mobile phone at mama nkechi’s kiosk?

We shall find out, but first, let me show you how to change your default password.

How to reset Airtel Me2u password

To change your Me2U default password, send a message to 432 using the following format: PIN OldPin NewPin

For example if you want your new pin to be 3030, then send “PIN 1234 3030” to 432.

In the above example, OldPin is your current Airtel Me2U password. If you forgot your current Airtel Me2U password, consider tips on how to recover your Airtel Me2U password.

Password Tips for Airtel Me2u Service

It’s one thing to have a strong password, remembering this password is a different story altogether. Aritel will not hesitate to bar you from using the Me2u service the first time you enter a wrong password thrice. To save you the troubles of going through the rigorous process of unbarring your account, it is important to strike a balance between a strong password and a password you can remember.

With that being said, let’s take a long look at some of the effective tips that will help you maintain a healthy Me2u password and keep the thieves away.

  • Avoid using a straight password: A password like 2468, 1234, 9876 etc. will often be easy for anyone to guess as it involves the multiple of a single number, serial increase and decrease of a number respectively.
  • Do not use a single number for password:  e.g. 1111, 2222, 9999 etc.
  • Do not use your year of birth: Someone who knew you were born on 1987 can easily assume that it’s your password. Just make sure you don’t fall for that mistake.
  • Beware of the last four digits of your phone number: Using the last four digit of your phone may sound like a good bargain but when all other methods fails, the thief might be tempted to try the last four digit of your phone number.

Any random four numbers is a good password, you can pick any four digit from your first flyer number, the last four digit of your first phone number or even the birth year of your grand mother.

Transferring Airtime Credit with Airtel Me2u

Did you just recharge the wrong sim? Or need to transfer some airtime credit to your daughter in high school? Just send a message to 432 using the following message format: 2U PhoneNumber Amount PIn

For instance, if you want to transfer N100 to 08020000000 and your pin is 1234, then send: “2U 08020000000 100 1234” to 432.

How to Transfer Airtime using Airtel STK

The SIM Application Toolkit (STK) is a standard application of the GSM system which enables the Subscriber Identity Module (SIM) to initiate actions which can be used for various value-added services.

The Airtel STK application comes with a service that allows you to transfer credit on Airtel to another Airtel subscriber.

  1. Launch Airtel STK Application

    From the Airtel Menu on your SIM, select Airtel Services. If you are using a smart phone, locate the SIM Toolkit application from your applications drawer.

  2. Select Me2U

    Initialize the Airtel Me2u service by selecting Me2U from the list of services.

  3. Send airtime credit.

    Select the send airtime credit option from the menu.

  4. Enter Amount

    Enter the amount of credit you want to transfer. Remember that Airtel takes NGN10 transaction fee, i.e. If you are transferring N100, you must at least have N110 airtime balance for the transaction to be successful.

  5. Choose or enter phone number

    Select option to enter Phone Number or choose the Number from your address book.

  6. Confirm the transaction

    Check your transaction to make sure the subscriber phone number and airtime credit amount is correct.

  7. Enter PASSWORD

    Enter your secure password. If you have forgotten your password, kindly follow our tips below to recover your password.

  8. Send

    Finalize your transfer by hitting the send button.

Note: This service will cost an additional charge of N10. i.e. If you are transferring N100, you must at least have N110 airtime balance for the transaction to be successful.

How to unbar Airtel Me2u

If you enter a wrong pin more than thrice during a transfer, you are likely to be kicked out from further using the Me2u service. This is a security measure from Airtel to ensure that an intruder is not trying to make away with your money.

Unfortunately, there is no short code readily available to unbar me2u service on your Airtel line. Not to worry though, you can still unbar your account and continue enjoying Airtel Me2u service.

Follow the steps below to ubar Me2U service on your Airtel account. If you find yourself doing this too often, consider reading our tips for a healthy password.

  1. Get your SIM pack ready. Your PUK may be required for identification.
  2. Contact Airtel customer care number. Call 111 / 121 toll-free from an Airtel line. You can as well call +234-802-150-0111 from a non-airtel number or +234-802-150-0121 if you are calling from abroad.
  3. Choose to speak to an agent.
  4. Ask that you want to unblock your Me2U account.
  5. To reset the pin, kindly provide the last 5 digits of the serial number on the sim, last recharge amount and length of usage.

SmartShare – How to Gift & Share Data using Airtel Data Me2U Service

Airtel allows you to share a data plan with family and friends across phones, tablets and laptops. Here are two ways to share an Airtel data plan:

Data Me2U (aka Data Share): You can “share” or “transfer” from the data allowance of an already purchased data bundle to another customer. For example, if you have purchased a 1.5GB Monthly, you can transfer 100MB to another customer.

  • · To share/transfer data, simply dial *141# and select the option for Gifting or Me2U.

Data Gifting: Data gifting allows you to buy a data bundle plan for another customer by paying with your own airtime. For example, if your friend/family runs out of data, you can just buy another data plan for the person.

  • · To gift data, simply dial *141# and select the option for Gifting or Me2U.

How do Data Me2U differ from Data Gifting?

The table below will guide:

1Default PIN, accessibly via *141#; Note that this PIN must be changed before sharing can occur12341234
2Subscription via USSDDial *141#. Select the Gift or Share Data option. Thereafter select Data Me2U.Dial *141#. Select the Gift or Share Data option. Thereafter select Data Gifting.
3Data Allowance shareableData size maximum of 200MB per day.Restricted to regular data bundle plans.
4Number of sharing instances possible– Twice in a day to a maximum of two
different people.
– You can share data to the same person again only after that person finishes the first shared data. First rule above still applies.
As many times as possible.
5Validity of bundleResidual validity of Sender’s bundleValidity of gifted bundle plan
6Auto RenewalNoNo
7Dta Balance Check*140#*140#
8PIN Management– PIN reset option is available on *141# USSD Menu – One PIN is applicable for Data Gifting & Data Me2U. – At the fifth pin attempt, the customer will be barred from using any of the services above. – This barring will be for 1 hour at a time. – Where 3 barring(s) happen to one MSISDN in a 24-hour period, customer has to call in to the Call Center for a reset.*140#

Airtel Me2U Frequently Asked Questions

I forgot my Airtel Me2U PIN?

You can reset your Aitel Me2U by contacting Airtel customer support by calling 111 or 112. To reset the pin, you will need to provide the last 5 digits of the serial number on the sim, last recharge amount and length of usage.

How do I solve a problem of data not sent on Airtel Me2U?

If you are getting this error while using the phone USSD, try using the Airtel SIM Toolkit application. If problem persist, restart your phone or contact customer service.

What is Data Me2U?

Data Me2U also known as Data Share – allows you to transfer data from your existing data allowance to another Airtel customer. Recipient can be another customer e.g your friend, family etc or just your other device with an Airtel line.

How can I access Data Me2U? 

By dialing *141#. Dialing this string returns a menu, then you select the option for Gifting or Me2U.

What data bundle plans are available for Data Me2U?  

The regular data bundle plans – Weekly/Daily Bundles, Monthly Bundles and Mega Packs.

What is the validity of the shared data bundle? 

The shared data will have the same validity as the original data. E.g If you have a bundle with validity end date of 1st Jan 2018, and you share some of that data; the recipient’s data will also expire on 1st Jan 2018.

Is the shared data auto-renewed? 

No. You are not auto-renewed on a shared data.

How much data can be shared at a time? 

You can share a maximum of 200MB data to one person.

How many people can I share data with? 

You can share data with a maximum of 2 recipients daily. This means that you can share a maximum of 200MB each with 2 recipients daily.

Is this service available to both Post-Paid and prepaid customers?  

Yes, Data Sharing is for both Prepaid and Postpaid customers.

What is Data Gifting?  

Data Gifting allows you to buy a data bundle for another line.

How can I access Data Gifting? 

By dialing *141#. Dialing this string returns a menu, then you select the option for Gifting or Me2U.

What data bundle plans are available for Data Gifting?  

The regular data bundle plans – Weekly/Daily Bundles, Monthly Bundles and Mega Packs.

How frequently can I gift data? 

You can gift data to as many people, as many times as you wish. There are no restrictions.

Is the gifted data auto-renewed? 

No. You are not auto-renewed on a gifted bundle.

Will a customer on the receiving end pay for the shared or gifted data? 

No. The recipients of Data Sharing/Gifting do not need to pay for the data or bundle received. The sender has already paid for it.

Tell me more about the Pin for Data Sharing. 

· In order to prevent an unauthorized person from doing Data Sharing/Gifting from a customer’s phone, a Pin is required before you can share or gift data.
· When you access Data Sharing/Gifting for the first time, you will be required to change your Pin from the default Pin to any Pin you desire to use.

Does a customer need to get a special SIM card to use this service? 

No special SIM card is required as all newly activated SIMs are automatically data enabled. However, each SIM must have been KYC-ed without which data activity will be automatically disabled.
Customers are advised to visit the nearest Airtel retail or partner outlets to perform KYC.

What is Smart-SHARE Service? 

The Airtel Smart-Share service consists of a bouquet of offerings that allows internet data bundles to be used by more than one customer in any of the following ways:
· Me2U-sending a bundle from your currently active bundle
· Gifting-buy a bundle for another line
In this regard, please note the following:
· Internet bundles refer, in this case to Data, BlackBerry & Android bundles except where explicitly stated
· Me2U is possible for only normal data bundles while Gifting is possible for all bundle types above

What constitutes the Airtel Smart-Share Service (AMI) service? 

The Airtel Smart-Share Service can be accessed in any of the following ways:
· Mobile Devices and Smartphones: Customers can send internet to 232 for settings to be automatically pushed to the respective handset. Settings can also be pushed by a call in to the Call Center or done manually at any of the Airtel shops.
· Desktop or laptop: in which case, a USB data card/ modem will be required. This can be picked up from the nearest Airtel outlet at N3,990 and N3,500 respectively for the 7.2mbps and 3.6mbps speeds

Does a customer need to get a special SIM card to use this service? 

No special SIM card is required as all newly activated SIMs are automatically data enabled. However, each SIM must have been KYC-ed without which data activity will be automatically disabled.
Customers are advised to visit the nearest Airtel retail or partner outlets to perform KYC.

Can the internet be accessed through a Desktop or laptop anywhere in Nigeria? 

Yes- over 98% of the locations in Nigeria are covered with at least EDGE data coverage while 3G coverage is at 100% in each of the state capitals and major townsYes- over 98% of the locations in Nigeria are covered with at least EDGE data coverage while 3G coverage is at 100% in each of the state capitals and major towns.

Can I access the internet on my handset or smart phone anywhere in Nigeria? 

Yes- internet access is available ‘on the go’ on any handset anywhere in Nigeria as the handset has data capability

How are internet settings activated on a handset or smart phone? 

· Sending SETTINGS to 232 via SMS
· Call Toll Free number “111” for assistance
· Visiting any Airtel shop for manual configuration

Will a customer have to pay for subscription after purchasing the data modem? 

Subsequent to purchasing the data modem, a decision has to be taken on the AMI bundle service plan of choice. The default service plan is the Pay As You Use (PAYU) tariff which cost 5kobo per Kilobyte.

How do each of the Smart Share variants differ, one from the other? 

Kindly refer to the table above.

How will the Smart Share service work? 

Based on the definitions above, please note the following business rules:
· The 2 variants of Smart Share will be accessible via SMS, USSD, *141# and *141*1# USSD Menus
· There is only one PIN, which is usable across all the 3 variants
· Auto renewal or Fall back pricing will not be applicable for Internet bundles that have been shared via Me2U or Sharing
· Internet bundles that have been shared via Me2U will have maximum validity of 30 days while internet bundles that have been shared via Gifting and Sharing will have the validity of the associated bundles
· Subscribers in the Staff and Spouse service classes should be able to receive Gifted bundles, Me2U or Data Bundle Sharing- the rule is to RECEIVE ONLY
· Not all bundle types can be shared across the various service classes. The matrix below outlines the use cases across the 2 major service classes:

How does a customer currently confirm Data Account Balance? 

By dialing *141*11*0# or *123*10#

Is there any other menu to take up Data Bundle or other plans? 

Yes, by visiting the Airtel Smart Store accessible by dialing *141*1# or *141#. Dialing this string returns a menu & this menu is extremely user friendly

For quicker support, you can as well reach out to @AirtelNigeria on Twitter.


To ask someone to send you airtime credit this season, simply dial *141*8*NUMBER# e.g. *141*8*0802000000#.

I wish you all Merry Xmass in advance! and stay safe 🙂

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